

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


October 31, 2013 , the day of my diagnosis.  I arrive at my appointment alone, but in blows my Husband to be with me.  Dr. VJ, my extremely tall Indian pulmonologist, strides into the exam room, with a white coat woman in tow.  What?  Who is this woman and why does she have paperwork in her hand.  This cannot be good!  If something were not wrong with me then why would he have someone with him?   Excuse me.  I'm sorry.  What did you say?  I'm certain that I misunderstood something!  Did you just say the C word????  In a second my world starts spinning out of control.

My Dr. proceeds to tell me that my needle biopsy showed adenocarcinoma, a non small cell lung cancer, a small nodule and stage Ib.  Lucky, lucky, lucky that they found it so early.  Need lobectomy right away, as in less than 30 days.  Here is a list of Surgeons for you to choose from. Options include a Robot, VATS (video assisted thoracic surgery) and the old fashioned way of just cutting you open.  PET scan needed.  Oh this white coated woman is Wendy, your Navigator.  And out the door you go.  That is what I heard! TRICK OR TREAT! Today, the trick is on me!

The truth is that Dr. VJ and Wendy actually spent a fair amount of time with Hubby and me.  I was thankful for my husband and that at least I had someone besides myself listening to the details that were given.

But out the door I go and thus begins my life with big C.

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