

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


What exactly is a back story anyway?  A back story is a a story that leads up to the main event or plot, often used in fiction or literature.  While my recent life events may sometimes feel very surreal, and while I do wish they were a dream, they are all too real.
I was born in 1960 and grew up as a middle child, in a typical middle class family, with 2 Sisters and 1 Brother.

I majored in Speech Pathology and thought I wanted to work with autistic children, but never did.  I came close to majoring in either History or Journalism.  Actually either of these would have been a better choice for me, as I still have a strong interest in old people, places, things and I am great at proofreading!  At 53, I've been a window screen maker, waitress, sales clerk, assistant manager, accounting manager, large animal veterinary office clerk, real estate broker, a move-in coordinator at a Continuing Care Retirement Community and my most recent gig is as a covenants enforcement officer for a homeowners association.  While many of my careers were short lived, I worked for 13 years as an accounting clerk, 7 years at the veterinary clinic and 13 years in real estate.

I was married for 23 years to a man 14 years older than me.  Divorced!  That one word that speaks volumes.  While certainly some good in every one and every situation, for the most part, my marriage sucked.  I now am married to an amazing man.  We have been together for 10 years and married for 6.  Yes, it is true!  Good things do come to those that wait.

I've had horses, sheep and a menagerie of other animals to include my current kitty, Holly.  I love cheese, good wine and I am a self proclaimed foodie.  I like to read, spend far to much time on Facebook, watch Reality and HGTV,  and have amassed a large selection of craft supplies and yarn, although not really very accomplished at any craft.  I like the beach, antiquing, and somehow have this passion for trying to revive near dead plants.
I'm Libra born, so have that whole yin and yang thing going on.

My Grandmother died from a stroke when I was 6 years old, my Father died from a heart attack when I was 8 and my Mother, still alive, had a stroke several years ago.  I have two sisters, one had a stroke at age 45 and the other has had rheumatoid arthritis for years.  My brother passed away at age 62 from a stroke.  Yep, a pretty crappy family medical history.
I fell a few months back, hurt my shoulder, went for an x-ray and image my surprise when I got a call that the radiologist had seen a spot on my lung.   I NEVER saw that coming!
So there you have it, my back story.  My beginning, my end and my rebirth to a life I never imagined.

Be Brave,

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